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Sylvestre Philippe, à Guerande kinésithérapeute

Téléphone : Afficher le numéro

Adresse : 6 A Boulevard Nord  44350 Guérande

Activité(s) :

  • Kinésithérapeute
  • Massage
  • Kinésithérapeutes : Masseurs Kinésithérapeutes

Sylvestre Philippe is a well-known company located in the beautiful city of Guérande, France. With a focus on Kinésithérapeutes : Masseurs Kinésithérapeutes, Kinésithérapeute, and Massage, this company has built a solid reputation in the local community.

The team at Sylvestre Philippe is made up of highly skilled and experienced professionals who are dedicated to providing the best possible care to their patients. They specialize in a variety of techniques, including massage therapy, kinesiotherapy, and rehabilitation exercises to help patients recover from injuries and improve their overall wellbeing.

At Sylvestre Philippe, patient satisfaction is the top priority. The team takes the time to listen to each patient's needs and concerns, and they work closely with them to create personalized treatment plans that address their specific issues. Whether a patient is dealing with chronic pain, recovering from an injury, or simply looking to improve their overall physical health, the team at Sylvestre Philippe is there to help.

In addition to their expertise in Kinésithérapeutes : Masseurs Kinésithérapeutes, Kinésithérapeute, and Massage, Sylvestre Philippe is also committed to providing a welcoming and comfortable environment for their patients. From the moment a patient walks through the door, they are greeted with a warm and friendly atmosphere that helps to put them at ease.

Overall, Sylvestre Philippe is a top-notch company that is dedicated to providing high-quality care to their patients. With their expertise in Kinésithérapeutes : Masseurs Kinésithérapeutes, Kinésithérapeute, and Massage, and their commitment to patient satisfaction, they are a great choice for anyone looking for top-quality care in the Guérande area.

Consultez un Médecin en quelques minutes

Téléconsultation en visio, par chat ou formulaire Nouveau !
Vous pouvez appeler directement le 01 89 01 22 13 (appel gratuit) pour être pris en charge par téléphone
  • Décrivez vos symptômes : un médecin généraliste, inscrit à l’Ordre, prendra contact avec vous.
  • Disponible 7j/7 de 7h à minuit
  • Obtenez un avis médical et une ordonnance valable en pharmacie si nécessaire

Horaires d'ouverture du professionnel Sylvestre Philippe

Les horaires d'ouverture de Sylvestre Philippe à Guérande n'ont pas encore été renseignés.

Les entreprises à proximité de Sylvestre Philippe à Guerande

Le cabinet Sylvestre Philippe de kinésithérapeute vous prendra en charge pour vos problèmes de dos bloqués, et autres soins de kiné à Guerande 44350 : Num tél, adresse, horaires