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Nguyen Hieu Liem Anne-florence, Ploeren ostépathe

Téléphone :
 2.99 € / appels

Adresse : 7 Avenue Eric Tabarly  56880 Ploeren

Activité(s) :

  • Ostéopathe
  • Kinésithérapeutes : Masseurs Kinésithérapeutes
  • ostéopathes

Nguyen Hieu Liem Anne-Florence is a well-known healthcare business located in the city of Ploeren, France. With their expertise in kinésithérapie and osteopathy, they provide top-quality services to their clients.

Their team of professional masseurs and kinésithérapeutes are highly skilled and experienced in treating various physical ailments, including musculoskeletal injuries, post-operative rehabilitation, and sports injuries. They use a wide range of techniques to help their clients achieve their health goals, including massage, stretching, and exercise therapy.

In addition to their kinésithérapie services, Nguyen Hieu Liem Anne-Florence also offers osteopathy treatments. Their team of skilled osteopaths provides a holistic approach to healthcare, focusing on the body's natural ability to heal itself. They use gentle manipulations and hands-on techniques to help their clients alleviate pain, improve mobility, and promote overall wellness.

Located in the heart of Ploeren, Nguyen Hieu Liem Anne-Florence is easily accessible to clients from all over the city. Their state-of-the-art facilities and friendly staff create a welcoming and comfortable environment for their clients.

Overall, Nguyen Hieu Liem Anne-Florence is an excellent choice for anyone seeking high-quality kinésithérapie and osteopathy services. With their dedication to their clients' health and wellness, they are sure to provide exceptional care and support in achieving their health goals.

Consultez un Médecin en quelques minutes

Téléconsultation en visio, par chat ou formulaire Nouveau !
Vous pouvez appeler directement le 01 89 01 22 13 (appel gratuit) pour être pris en charge par téléphone
  • Décrivez vos symptômes : un médecin généraliste, inscrit à l’Ordre, prendra contact avec vous.
  • Disponible 7j/7 de 7h à minuit
  • Obtenez un avis médical et une ordonnance valable en pharmacie si nécessaire

Horaires d'ouverture du professionnel Nguyen Hieu Liem Anne-florence

Les horaires d'ouverture de Nguyen Hieu Liem Anne-florence à Ploeren n'ont pas encore été renseignés.

Les entreprises à proximité de Nguyen Hieu Liem Anne-florence à Ploeren

Le cabinet Nguyen Hieu Liem Anne-florence de kinésithérapeute vous prendra en charge pour vos problèmes de dos bloqués, et autres soins de kiné à Ploeren 56880 : Num tél, adresse, horaires