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Audegon Hervé, à Reims ostépathe

Téléphone :
 2.99 € / appels

Adresse : 11 Rue Château Porte Mars  51100 Reims

Activité(s) :

  • Kinésithérapeute
  • Massage

Audegon Hervé is a well-known business located in the beautiful city of Reims, France. The company specializes in providing professional services in the field of physiotherapy and massage therapy. With a team of highly skilled and experienced therapists, Audegon Hervé is committed to providing exceptional care and treatment to its clients.

The company offers a range of services including physiotherapy, massage therapy, and rehabilitation. Whether you are looking to recover from an injury or simply seeking to relax and unwind, Audegon Hervé has got you covered. The team of therapists at the company is dedicated to ensuring that each client receives personalized care and attention, tailored to their specific needs.

At Audegon Hervé, the focus is on providing quality care in a warm and welcoming environment. The company takes pride in its commitment to offering the highest standards of service to its clients. From the moment you walk through the door, you will be greeted with a smile and made to feel right at home.

So if you are in need of physiotherapy or massage therapy services, look no further than Audegon Hervé. With its convenient location in Reims, France, and a team of dedicated professionals, the company is your go-to destination for top-quality care and treatment.

Consultez un Médecin en quelques minutes

Téléconsultation en visio, par chat ou formulaire Nouveau !
Vous pouvez appeler directement le 01 89 01 22 13 (appel gratuit) pour être pris en charge par téléphone
  • Décrivez vos symptômes : un médecin généraliste, inscrit à l’Ordre, prendra contact avec vous.
  • Disponible 7j/7 de 7h à minuit
  • Obtenez un avis médical et une ordonnance valable en pharmacie si nécessaire

Horaires d'ouverture du professionnel Audegon Hervé

Les horaires d'ouverture de Audegon Hervé à Reims n'ont pas encore été renseignés.

Les entreprises à proximité de Audegon Hervé à Reims

Cette page présente toutes les informations publiques sur le kinésithérapeute Audegon Hervé